Plastic coating


CI-ELLE, a company in the province of Brescia, specialises in industrial painting and plastic coating for the mechanical, design, and furniture industries. Thanks to the presence of cutting-edge equipment, the company is capable of coating plastic and polyurethane, using various paints and creating different finishes based on the material's intended use and the aesthetic preferences of the customer.

Plastic, polypropylene, and ABS coating

There are various types of plastics, industrial polymers with specific characteristics. Not all plastic materials can be directly coated; many require preliminary treatments to ensure uniform adhesion of the colour across the surface. To achieve this, CI-ELLE performs:
  • Coating of ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene)
  • Coating of polypropylene
  • Coating of PP/PP/EPDM and PC
  • Coating of expanded polyurethane and soft gum


Before performing plastic coating, rubber coating, the component must be treated and prepared appropriately. Processes such as sanding and puttying, washing, and the application of a primer, a substance that makes the surface more suitable for optimal finish retention, are carried out. Once prepared, the object is placed inside pressurised chambers, where the application of paints takes place in an environment free from dust and pollutants.

CI-ELLE also creates screen prints for the production of design components, electronics, furnishings, and other objects. This service is competitively priced not only in Bergamo but also in Brescia, Milan, and throughout Lombardy.

The cost of coating plastic, PVC, and polyurethane materials varies based on the finish, cycle, and desired effect. For a personalised quote, contact CI-ELLE at its headquarters in Casirate D'Adda, using the form on this page.
Powder coating

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